作者:佚名 时间:2022-09-13 22:06:15


上一期“外刊精读计划”,北外考培明星教师薛霁宇老师带领大家精读了一篇来自CNN的健身监测手环(Fitness Tracker)的测评(Review),并重点解读了其中有关外观和功能的部分。那么,这款产品的操作系统测评如何呢?让我们一起来看一下吧!




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Setup was a cinch and took place within the Fitbit app, which is available on Google Play, iTunes or Microsoft. Just create a free profilesync via Bluetooth, charge your tracker and you’re ready to get started. For better accuracy, it’s essential to fill out your personal information, including your height and whether you’re wearing the tracker on your dominant or nondominant wrist.

如果你的手机系统语言是英文,那么你一定对Setup这个词不陌生。有的系统显示的是Settings,两个词都可以表示“设置”。本文中的手环设置只需要三步,“非常简单”。“简单”在这里使用的是"Sth. is a cinch"。Cinch本身是一个非常口语化的表达,也可以用A piece of cake代替。


第一步,创建账户。文中用的是Create a profile,也可以用我们更熟悉的Set up an account来表示。第二步,将手环和app进行匹配。“数据同步”用的是Sync,全拼是Synchronize。最后,“充电”Charge就可以使用了。


为了保证数据的准确性,作者还建议大家注明佩戴习惯。在这里用到了Dominant Wrist,表示“经常佩戴手环的那只手”。如果大家习惯把手环待在左手,那你的Dominant Wrist就是Left Wrist;相对而言,右手就成了Nondominant Wrist

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You can also set up step goals (we aimed for 10,000, for instance) as well as weight losswater intake, wellness, sleep and more. When you log in to your Fitbit app, your home page automatically displays a semicompleted circle of how many steps you’ve taken for the day. A quick scroll will show you active minutes (when your heart rate was raised), your average resting heart rate and additional data. You can also set and log your water goals.


手环除了能记录数据,还可以设定目标Set up goals。设定步数为目标,则是文中出现的Set up step goals。除了步数可以作为目标外,还可以设定减重目标Weight loss goals水摄入量Water intake以及睡眠时长等等。对于水摄入量目标的“记录”用的是段落最后出现的Log一词。

大家看步数是否达标的时候,都会看到手环上的一个双色环,浅色的环形是大家的设定目标,深色是已经完成的部分。这个双色的进度条,可以用Semicompleted Circle来表示。

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You have the option to turn on a notification to remind you to get in at least 250 steps per hour to meet your movement aspirations for the day. This was something that, as we’re now working (and exercising and cooking and existing 24/7) at home, we found to be incredibly helpful; on several occasions, the feature (which you can also find on the Garmin and Withings trackers) gave us the prompt we needed to drag ourselves out of our seat and walk upstairs or grab the pup for a quick around-the-block jaunt

平日里,大家有没有被智能手环弹窗发出过“久坐提醒”?开启“提醒”功能,可以用Turn on a notification来表示。手环通过振动来提醒Remind大家要动起来了。而文中表达“让自己远离座位活动一下”的两个短语也是非常的生动,“离开座位”用的是Drag someone out of one’s seat“起来溜达一圈”用的是Around-the-block jaunt。Jaunt本身有短途旅行的意思,Around-the-block说明就围着办公楼或者办公区溜达一下。

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Fitbit claims that it can automatically tell what type of fitness you’re partaking in, from swimming to biking to more than 20 other activities, but we didn’t find this claim to be entirely accurate in our testing. [...] Despite that hiccup, we did like how the Fitbit app told us exactly when we were in our most active, fat-burning mode and when we were at rest. We found this information to be helpful, mainly as it gives insight into how many additional calories to burn to meet goals. 


即便是智能设备,偶尔也会有不够精准的时候。文段中间的Hiccup本意是“打嗝”,在这里可以引申为“不足、瑕疵”,跟Flaw意思相似。一般我们表达“参与体育活动”时会用Participate in来表示,文中给了我们一个新词组Partake in。除了偶尔会判断不准是哪项运动,手环还是能精准判断使用者到底是在“燃烧脂肪”Fat-burning mode还是在“休息”At rest。

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One of the most significant — and interesting — features of the Fitbit Inspire 2 is the sleep tracking, which lets you know when you wake up throughout the night, how deep or light your rest is and how much time you spend in the REM cycle. [… ] And you won’t have much worry about charging the Fitbit Inspire 2, as it can hold a charge for up to 10 days; we never needed to recharge it throughout our testing, even after a few days of heavy use

前文提到“记录”饮水数据用的是Log,而“记录”睡眠数据则用的是Sleep tracking,即“睡眠跟踪”。如果想说手环的“续航能力非常好”,可以像文中一样,用"It can hold a charge for up to ... days"来表示。“频繁使用”可以表述为Heavy use



Performance 性能

Accuracy 准确度

Readability 可读性

Navigation 导航

Activity Recognition 活动记录

App Usability App使用便捷性

Ease of Setup 设置操作的复杂程度

Battery Life 电池续航

Compatibility 兼容性

Build 外观

Overall Comfort 整体舒适度

Design 设计

Waterproofness 防水性

Other factors 其他因素

Warranty 保修

Privacy 隐私性
